Tuesday, 5 April 2011

My first ever blog!

I am currently saving (really hard) to turn my hobby into a career. I am longing to open my own little craft shop, but decided I should research as much as possible and show my commitment by undertaking a papercraft qualification.

About a month ago I started the course and submitted 3 cards for unit 1. The first part requests a 'receipe card' completing for each card/papercraft item you make. The 'receipe card' is basically a list of items used, considerations made and an evaluation of your end product. I can't say I found it easy, as I find it very difficult to evaluate myself on any task, but after al lot of pondering I did it and submitted my coursework.

A week later I received my result...a pass credit! That's the top mark I could get, so I am very pleased with myself!!

I've now started unit 2, which is working on displaying my work publically. As I want to open my own store, what better way to start 'advertising' myself than to have a blog, so here it is!

As I make more cards and learn new techniques, I hope to keep the blog updated. I always appreciate feedback, so if you like/don't like what you see, please feel free to comment.

I will post my unit one creations for all to see.



  1. Hi there well done for your first post. i have joined your fan club good luck to many more posts!!

  2. Thanks James, I'm working on a wedding card for someone, so I will be using this in my next blog! X
